The Best Time For Real Estate Agents to Send Monthly E-Newsletters

As a real estate agent, you likely have a wide variety of clients you hope to keep you top of mind. One way to ensure this is by sending out monthly email newsletters. So the question is, when do you send out your newsletter? Sending a monthly newsletter at the right time can put a positive light on your business, as well as remind your clients who you are by giving them a call-to-action.The Big Secret to Increasing Real Estate Agent Referralsexplains how this works.

For a monthly newsletter, you’ll want to send the email out as early in the month as possible. That’s easy enough to say, but how do you know what day of the week you should send it out? It all depends on your clients. If you use an email service like MailChimp, you can use their Send Time Optimization, to figure out the best time to send your newsletter to clients. However, in order for the STO to start working you first have to send emails to your client list. After that, MailChimp is able to suggest what days and times work best for your specific client list.

But before that method can work, you have to still endure the trial and error period to see which days and times work best. So why not start closer to the finish line? Luckily, Experian has done all the work for you. In this graph, you can see that the best days for opening emails is on Saturday.

graph on best day of the week to send emails

While that’s all well and good, you also want people to interact with your email. Seeing as the weekend is considered leisurely time, most people will open the emails but are less likely to interact with them (Source). Based off of GetResponse’s infographic, the day with the highest open rate in conjunction with the highest click rate, is Tuesday.

Graphic from GetResponse detailing the percent of open rates and click rates. Tuesday is highlighted in the open rate section and has 19.9%. Friday is also selected in the click rate section and has 4.90%.

Now you need to figure out what time on the first Tuesday of every month you should send out your newsletter. By using the same time each month, viewers will start expecting your content in their inbox. With this being said, timing is crucial, and sending at the wrong time of day could potentially annoy your clients, leading to them ignoring the email. GetResponse explains that 23.8% of all emails opened happen within the first hour of delivery. After 24 hours that number drops to 1%. Not very appealing.

A study done by Experian shows that the best time to send emails is between 4AM and 8AM. At these times People are waking up and getting ready for the work day. According to Emailmonday, mobile emailing accounts for 15% to 70% of email opens. Nowadays, the first thing people typically do when they wake up is check their phone for notifications. Take advantage of the platforms your audience is using and make sure to optimize content for them.
Of course, all of these statistics can change based on your client list. All you can do is use A/B test to find the best times to send out your newsletters. Hopefully, you have a better idea of where to start and can make an educated decision based on the information we’ve provided.

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